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Journeys & Retreats

(W)holistic Leadership

Inner Exploration
Through Outer Adventure

Sustainability alone is no longer purpose enough – the deeper calling is for regeneration. What we learn through lived experience we can then share in service of what matters most.

For this, we look to Nature as our container, our source and our guide.

Remarkable landscapes and wild pauses become increasingly rare. They offer protected time and space for precious self-exploration, discovery and transformation.

In a world of increasing external expectation, it is the inner world that offers expanse and possibility, the unknown yet-to-be-revealed.

‘Journeys & Retreats’ are for impact leaders, whether in peer groups or small teams, with a deep yearning to refresh, to re-energise, to re-member their essential nature and true purpose.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious Life?”

~ Mary Oliver

Preparing purposefully
for the unknown

Expecting the Unexpected

Whether rugged and remote landscapes, or ceremonial style wild retreats, for immersion experiences to be fully appreciated and absorbed, they need an expert’s eye and calm hand to guide. Individuals need to be held with respect, compassion and discipline in order to travel well.

In both cases, there will be a mix of both inner and outer exploration and experience, albeit with a different emphasis and style.

Embracing uncertainty is the most important ingredient, as well as:

  • this is an adventure, with a profound impact on your life
  • expect unexpected activities & choices as we go
  • sharing your experience with other like-spirited, inspiring individuals
  • you may well be tested, physically, emotionally, mentally
  • you will learn a lot about yourselves & each other…as well as have fun!

“You are searching for a crown which is already on your head. But search is necessary. You will look at yourself only after you have looked everywhere else.”  ~ Shunya



You’ll Discover

An inter-woven web of wandering & wondering


be still, slow down, sense more


inhale clean air, exhale and let go


move, stretch & feel your body


walk & talk with peers or with self


listen deeply to Nature & within


learn & embody through lived experience

Bravely exploring self expression & revelation
“A mountain guide takes you to places you’d never find on your own, a great guide lets you discover places you never knew existed, and allows you to perform and express yourself in and as part of that unique environment. I love climbing mountains, I love climbing Life’s mountains too and for that adventure I can’t think of a better guide than Richard.”

Andy Ferguson
Guide, teacher, author, speaker

Seeing beyond the immediate horizon
“Richard’s passion is for discovering (leadership) systems that draw on and combine both ancient and modern wisdom to bring about unity thinking. This is not always easy, so he’s a highly valuable fellow travelling companion in this ‘volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous’ world where the challenges we meet can test the strength of the bonds and boundaries that exist between us. He helps us to find the pathways to our core essence that may be hidden from our normal five senses.”

Julian Read
International Exec & Team Transition Coach, Facilitator, Experienced Blue Chip Director

Travelling in the direction of your dreams
“Richard is totally in his flow when learning about others’ dreams and aspirations, understanding their motivations and helping them set goals. He connects people effortlessly and does so with an openness, warmth and sincerity that is uncommonly unique to him being truly himself.”

Dave Harker
Client Services Director



Ongoing support, lasting change


Many are drawn to the thrill of adventure. Few continue the journey once they return…

Inspiring travels, programmes and other experiences can get left as photo albums or training manuals on dusty shelves of the mind. Ongoing integration is where the full value of experience can be realised.

Fellow ‘coddiwomplers’ will receive 9 months of integral follow up support and accountability.

Following your return, you will:

  • receive individual coaching and facilitated peer group mentoring sessions to continue guiding you with your new ideas, dreams and perspectives
  • integrate through practice what you experienced for yourself and learned from the group
  • embed new empowering behaviours and make them ‘stick’
  • do what it takes to keep those promises you will have made to your dreams, yourself and to each other out in the wilderness
  • nourish a diverse support group of trust forged through the power of shared experience

Below is an introduction to ‘Leading Your Legacy’, a 9-month peer leadership experience to explore the questions: ‘What next?’, ‘So what?’ and ‘What else is possible?’ through your work and contribution.

If you seek a profound, lasting, learning experience that you will remember, value and apply for life contact me here.

This is for leaders who are…

  • deeply questioning assumptions of self, others and wider systems
  • likely experiencing complexity and paradox and feel stuck with what they can do
  • yearning to create and contribute something radically different and fulfilling

​The pressure on leaders to perform is constant and, at the same time, many people are questioning their purpose in work and wanting to make a more meaningful contribution for themselves, the people they work with/for, and their wider environment.  This growing trend is having an increasing impact on our way of life and business as usual.

The call for change is getting louder and yet the transition can often seem unclear and uncertain.

‘Reimagining Your Legacy’ is a response to this challenge.  This is a learning experience designed to help you think differently about your contribution as a leader and reveal what’s holding you back from creating it every day.

It is for those who have reached this stage to press pause, to reconsider, recalibrate and re-energise what matters most right now. Experience…within a framework and environment designed to catalyse and nurture transformation, you will stretch what’s possible and practical with differently-thinking, like-hearted leaders.

How we meet:

This experience offers a deep pause from business as usual to rediscover what matters most.

  • 9-month facilitated journey with a peer group learning approach
  • includes Nature immersions at the start and finish
  • online solo and group coaching and support
  • specialist framework to help those seeking greater fulfilment in your work and life
  • listening and responding to the questions: ‘What next?’, ‘So what?’ and ‘What else is possible?’ through your work and contribution
  • then taking first steps towards creating the legacy you aspire to

The process:

We support you to pause from business as usual and allow time to individually and collectively reflect on the change in direction you want to see, discuss barriers and enablers for change, and become energised to start experimenting in areas that are most ripe for supporting this transition.

‘Reimagining Your Legacy’ will support you to:

  • explore the legacy you aspire to
  • clarify and align your purpose and mission to create it
  • identify the development goals that are aligned with your mission and enable you to live your purpose
  • recognise your ‘immunity to change’ and how to overcome the assumptions that might be holding you back
  • learn to continuously experiment with new ways of creating fulfilling work for you and others
  • 1:1 coaching sessions to anchor individual meaning and actions.

Benefits include:

  • breathing space and a slower pace for contemplation of your concerns for the present and aspirations for the future
  • dedicated attention on your individual development opportunities
  • refinement of your focus and priorities for your precious time, energy and value
  • solo and group reflection and peer-to-peer learning
  • the power of ‘fellowship’ over isolation, as you explore, expand and travel together
  • opportunity to experiment with insights and test new approaches
  • embody the essence of your leadership and what you bring to your work
  • theme-based focus and encouragement
  • greater confidence and commitment as a contributor to the greater good.

This is a co-created / co-facilitated programme in partnership with Darren Hilton at Tapping The Source. It is born out of conversations, frustrations and inspiration during the recent pandemic. This is part of our response to our own questions and realisations.

Step out to go within

New Horizons

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”

~ Ryunosike Satoro

Our now local-global societies and economies need those who dare to be courageously heart-centred, with the humble awareness to think systemically and act strategically – inter-weaving whole systems within local ones and vice versa.

What if you could reclaim more of yourself in the next 9 months than in the previous 9 years?  What if you could give more of yourself than ever through this next decade, one year, one day, one step at a time?

A modern maxim says: “People tend to overestimate what can be done in one year and to underestimate what can be done in five or ten years.”

Imagine the ripple effect you could create in this inter-connected world, by reclaiming the truth of who you are and what you believe in.